About us
CLE provides individualized writing and language support for students, faculty, and administrative staff.
We invite you to improve your skills in English for academic and professional purposes. We offer individualized sessions with experienced tutors in a supportive peer-based environment.
In addition to English, we offer support in a variety of foreign languages such as Arabic, French, German, Spanish,Turkish and more.
Who are we?
We are a team of experienced and dedicated TAU faculty members who teach foreign languages at all levels, as well as international graduate students who have tutored in diverse global settings.
What do we offer?
Our tutors/teachers will assist you in developing your writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills.
We provide 1-on-1 tutoring sessions of 45 or 90 minutes, tailored to your needs.
We offer targeted guidance and feedback on your essays, papers, theses, dissertations, oral presentations, professional writing (such as proposals, postdoc/grant applications, bios, cover letters, etc. ) as well as practice with conference presentations and academic interviews.
We offer all our services, especially individualized coaching of academic/scientific writing, to people abroad, through virtual personal meetings (on Zoom, Skype, etc).
No strings attached
Come in for a one-time session or a series of meetings – either way, you are always welcome!
General workshops in English
Upon request, we also offer workshops on topics such as effective essay writing for exams, avoiding plagiarism, effective presentation skills and more.
How much does it cost and how can I sign up?
The price for Tel Aviv University students, faculty, and staff is 100 shekels per academic hour (45- minute session).
Students in the Dean of Students Advancement programs and those with learning disabilties can request a discount.
The price for students or guests outside the TAU community is 130 shekels per academic hour.
Schedule a meeting via our online scheduler with a tutor of your choice. The sessions are in the Webb building on the second floor (Webb 210). Virtual online sessions can also be booked.
If you are a group of up to 2-3 people with similar needs and at approximately the same proficiency level, you may request small group sessions at a discounted price.
Deaf and hard of hearing students interested in taking advantage of our center's service, should contact us directly.
Feel free to email us with any questions or requests you may have: cle@tauex.tau.ac.il
CLE Language Center
Webb Building
Room 210